A couple of weeks ago, I made a post about how I was going to start blogging more. I think I said something along the lines of "I will write something in a few days". What was that? Two weeks ago now? I am doing it now.
I had a hard time thinking about what I wanted to talk about. My days of sitting at my computer and letting a stream of emotion pour from my finger tips onto my LJ are over. No, I need something to write about. And I have decided to write about time. Well, my time. And maybe my laziness, and how I am pretty blown away by my laziness, but don't really do anything about it.
My alarm goes off every morning around 6 am. I slap the snooze button for about 45 minutes until I realize that if I don't get up and at least attempt to get ready, I will be late for work. I make the hour drive to work. 9 hours later, I make the 1 and half drive back. I get home, cook dinner, and usually watch a movie or play the Xbox. Sure I could come home and write, but I just spent 8 hours in front of a computer. And that schedule is only on days when I don't have my son.
Writing on days that I have my son is pretty much not going to happen. If my laptop come out when he is around, I am suddenly watching Elmo or cat videos on YouTube for an hour. I could write after he goes to bed, but I am usually so beat by the time he passes out, I get on the computer and end up watching girl fights or cat videos on YouTube for an hour. I could write on weekends that I don't have my son...
And here is where the laziness comes in. Every other weekend, I have at least 48 hours where I don't have any fatherly stuff to do and no work. You would think that I would find the time to squeeze in some "creative writing" time. No, I usually find myself wanting to do something much more sedentary. WHAT? Did I just say that? Yes, I did. For some reason, I think that writing is some strenuous exercise that is akin to jogging up hill, both ways. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO???
I have taken the first step though. I wrote this. I have a few subjects rattling around in my head that I want to write about. Like how fatherhood is like REALLY intense gaming. Or about how dating sucks. I will figure something out.
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